Monthly Product Update
Home Resources Articles Monthly Product Update - Preview, partnerships and an invitation for a deep dive with Tealium

Monthly Product Update – Preview, partnerships and an invitation for a deep dive with Tealium

Read on to learn about our newest features, our amazing new partners, and how to find out everything you need to know about consent management and customer data platforms.
by Usercentrics
Jun 11, 2022
Monthly Product Update
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This month’s updates are brought to you by the letter P. New features, new partnerships, and new learning. Check it out!


Preview and Publish Feature


Going live can be nerve wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. Now with your CMP v2, when you make changes, our Preview and Publish feature enables you to check the UI, analyze the potential impact of the changes, make comparisons, and then either go live or iterate a bit more. Get full transparency, control and confidence in your improvements. We’ve got everything you need to get up to speed.

Preview and publish@2X

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Beta test our new Data Subject Request management feature

The new DSR module (available for v2 only) provides an interface that enables website owners to accept Data Subject Requests from end users. The information presentation and workflow are clear, structured and in accordance with regulatory requirements.


We are ramping up beta testing among our Enterprise customers and members of our Innovation Community on this feature’s intake form, user verification, submission protection functionality and auditable dashboard.


To activate this new feature, contact your Customer Success Manager, or create a ticket if you do not have a CSM.


Usercentrics joins Tealium’s CDP Workshop Series


Four years after the GDPR came into effect, businesses are still investing heavily in optimizing their consent rates, but tend to ignore how consent will be enforced throughout their entire tech stack. Companies also increasingly want to unify their customer data and learn how to use it to provide cohesive, personalized experiences in line with customer demand. It’s time to get those answers.


Our solution and integration partner Tealium is running a fantastic Customer Data Platform (CDP) Workshop Series for those who want to understand and harness the benefits of customer data platforms. Join Julian Llorente, Tealium’s Director of Product – Data Privacy and Daniel Johannsen, Usercentrics’ CTO, for their fireside chat: CDP Workshop Series: The Future of Consent and the Role of CDPs. Learn all about the future of Customer Data Platforms and Consent Management Platforms. They’ll also dig into browser signals, the impact of CMP evolution, the future of consent, and more.


Best of all, it’s on demand, so you can watch when it suits your schedule.


Mapp and Usercentrics empower marketers


Marketers and data specialists should be able to focus on what will make a difference for their business, instead of spending all their time taming the technology behind it. That’s where Mapp comes in. As the number one insight-led customer experience vendor, they empower marketers to leverage their first-party data by triggering real one-to-one personalization across marketing channels. Combining Usercentrics with the Mapp Intelligence enterprise analytics solution, customers develop their confidence in the privacy and security of their data. Businesses can also quickly gain actionable insights to increase consent rates and create meaningful customer experiences.


Welcome our new Platform Partner – Generaxion


Our partner network has just gotten turbocharged as we welcome Generaxion. They are the North European market leader in digital marketing and strategy, with over 350 individual Demand Drivers in 10 Demand Studios across Scandinavia. They have expanded their portfolio to offer prospects and customers comprehensive website solutions for GDPR cookie compliance. Website builder platforms and web hosting providers can now offer simultaneous mass cookie banner installation across hundreds of thousands of websites. This is not only fast and easy for customers, but the cookie banners are also fully customizable for branding and messaging.


Welcome BigID to our Platform Partner Program


Everything seems to be bigger these days, including the amount of data that companies need to process, the performance demands on it, and the number of privacy regulations governing it. BigID’s data intelligence platform enables organizations to better know their enterprise data and take action for privacy, protection, and perspective. Customers deploy BigID to proactively discover, manage, protect, and get more value from their regulated, sensitive, and personal data across their data landscape. Usercentrics’ Consent Management Platform will be a key part of, the privacy-on-demand solution that provides a one-stop shop for marketers and privacy professionals. The BigID partnership is a step forward for Usercentrics to offer consent management capabilities in a scalable way, and to enable BigID expand their privacy suite and to cater to all customer segments.


We would love to hear from you!

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We love to hear from customers, and reviews really help us out. Please take a moment and leave a review for us on G2. Earn yourself an Amazon gift card!


Join our beta testing community


Usercentrics is looking for curious, passionate customers and partners for the UC Innovation Community. This is our beta testing community of people who like to be on the cutting edge. Who like to build, break, and make things better. These early adopters will actively help in our development process and be the first to try out new features. The UC Innovation Community will receive:

  • exclusive updates on what we’re building, and new products and features we’re considering
  • direct interactions with our Product team
  • early access to new and complementary products beyond consent management that are not yet widely available
  • continuous feedback mechanisms to shape product development, including interviews to explore new product concepts — invest building the next generation of tools


Migration to CMP v2


If you still have CMP v1, you can now migrate to CMP v2. Access our migration documentation here.


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